Companies affected by harsh weather
Companies in difficulty following the recent harsh weather and flooding in the Alpes-Maritimes, Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées, and Rhône-Alpes can request a deferral of the payment of their social security contributions. In concrete terms, employers can ask the Urssaf for a delay in the payment of their social security contribution deadlines. And this, without penalties or overdue payment surcharges. In addition, the Urssaf specifies that it will be understanding towards employers who are temporarily unable to file their declarations due to the floods. As for self-employed workers, they can also ask the Urssaf for a deferral of the payment of their personal social security contributions without the application of penalties or overdue payment surcharges.
Suppliers to the Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance has just opened, on its website, an online space dedicated to its suppliers, whether they are large companies or SMEs. The objective is to offer them a one-stop shop to support them throughout the purchasing process. Current or future suppliers can also find documentation relating to public procurement, including information on how to award a public contract. The Ministry’s commitments in terms of procurement are also recalled. It also includes the Supplier Ethics Charter, which defines the Ministry’s expectations of its suppliers on a number of topics such as business ethics and transparency, respect for human rights, social and environmental responsibility, and data protection.
Research tax credit
The 2024 guide to the research tax credit (CIR(1)) has just been published on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR(2)). A guide that comes in two versions: the full guide and a guide dedicated to subcontractors. As a reminder, companies that conduct certain research operations can benefit, per calendar year, from a tax credit equal to 30% of the fraction of eligible expenses not exceeding €100 million (5% above that). Innovation expenses incurred by SMEs are entitled to a tax credit equal to 30% of eligible expenses, withheld within the overall limit of €400,000 per year.
VAT group
Companies subject to VAT, established in France, which, although legally independent, are closely linked to each other financially, economically, and organizationally, may, on option, create a VAT group (called a “single taxable person”). But be careful, this option must be made no later than October 31st of the year preceding its application. Thus, to create a VAT group from January 1st, 2025, the option must be notified by October 31st, 2024, at the latest and it covers a mandatory minimum period of 3 years. It will therefore apply until December 31st, 2027.
(1) Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR). (2) Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (MESR).
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